C5 Expert ®

C5 Expert ®

C5Expert ® is an expert system designed to help public sector officials determine their organization’s compliance obligations when issuing contracts that may involve delivery locations within one or more Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement (CLCA) settlement areas.


Step 1 – Locate Your Requirement Using the C5 QSM


The C5Expert ® QuickSearch Map tool provides a quick and easy method to assess whether the locations of work or delivery for an anticipated contract requirement fall within one (1) or more Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement (CLCA) areas. This process supports the early identification of any contracting obligations arising from each CLCA found to apply to the anticipated activity.

If you are a public sector official, or an Aboriginal Nation, interested in accessing the QuickSearch Map: Request an Invite and check out the QSM Guide.



Step 2 – Obtain a C5Expert ® Checklist

C5 Expert - Sample

Once you’ve determined your requirement is in a land claim, the C5Expert ® system can assist you in determining your contracting obligations and how to implement them as a part of a compliant procurement strategy.

For a more in depth analysis of the contracting obligations arising from each CLCA found to apply to an anticipated procurement activity, and to request a C5Expert ® CLCA Contracting Compliance Checklist, please contact: info@setasidesolutions.ca for a quote.

The information provided within completed CLCA Contracting Compliance Checklist documents is intended for the use of public sector officials and Aboriginal Nations.

Please Click Here for more information on how and when to use the C5Expert ® QuickSearch Map tool versus the C5Expert® System’s web interview to receive a completed CLCA Contracting Compliance Checklist document.

Click here to see the C5Expert ® Process Flow Diagram.

To review the C5Expert ® information brochure pdf click on the link below:



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